Pediatric Physiotherapy: Caring for the Development of the Little Ones.

Pediatric physiotherapy is a specialized branch that focuses on the assessment and treatment of physical conditions in infants and children. Pediatric physiotherapists work to optimize motor and functional development, address musculoskeletal issues, and promote active participation in daily activities. This dedicated approach to the health of the little ones is essential for overcoming challenges and ensuring healthy growth.

What is Children's Physiotherapy?

Children’s physical therapy is based on understanding the developmental milestones and specific needs of each stage of childhood. Children’s physical therapists evaluate motor function, strength, balance and coordination, identifying areas that may need intervention. Children may be referred to children’s physical therapy for a variety of reasons, such as developmental delays, injuries, neuromuscular conditions, or orthopedic problems.

One of the fundamental aspects of children’s physiotherapy is the personalization of treatments. Physiotherapists adapt their approaches based on each child’s age, abilities and specific needs. They use playful and creative techniques to make the sessions attractive and effective, promoting family participation and fun in the rehabilitation process.

What are the Benefits of Children's Physiotherapy?

  • Optimal Motor Development: Children’s physical therapy contributes to proper motor development, helping children reach motor milestones as they grow.
  • Treatment of Neuromuscular Conditions: For children with neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy, children’s physical therapy can improve mobility and functionality.
  • Injury Prevention and Treatment: Children’s physical therapists can teach injury prevention and treatment techniques, especially for active children or those who participate in sports.
  • Correction of Postural Problems: Children’s physical therapy addresses postural and alignment problems, avoiding complications as children grow.
  • Improved Coordination and Balance: Children’s physical therapy sessions include activities that improve coordination and balance, crucial skills for child development.
  • Stimulation of Sensory Development: For children with sensory issues, infant physical therapy can provide appropriate stimulation to improve sensory integration.

The Fundamental Role of Parents in the Process

Parent participation is essential in the success of children’s physical therapy. Physical therapists work collaboratively with parents to provide exercises and strategies that can be implemented at home. This collaboration reinforces the results of the sessions and empowers parents to support the continued development of their children.

When should I take my baby to Children's Physiotherapy?

If your baby has been diagnosed or you identify any of the following signs:

Torticollis and Plagiocephaly:

  • Torticollis: refers to the abnormal inclination of the neck, limiting movement. Pediatric physical therapy helps improve muscle flexibility, normalize tone, and restore limited movement.
  • Plagiocephalies: these are cranial flattenings, sometimes associated with torticollis, that limit the correct development of the baby and can affect other areas such as feeding, breathing and the senses. Physiotherapy allows us to understand the reason for this flattening and normalizes the tissues to allow the correct development of the baby.

Digestive Disorders: Colic, Constipation, Reflux:

  • Colic: Infant physical therapy can offer massage and mobilization techniques to relieve abdominal discomfort.
  • Constipation: mobilization and normalization techniques applied by the pediatric physiotherapist improve intestinal function.
  • Reflux: physiotherapy helps improve the coordination of the esophageal muscles, reducing tension in the affected structures and reducing reflux.

Respiratory Conditions: Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Otitis.

  • Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia: children’s respiratory physiotherapy is aimed at draining mucus, optimizing respiratory function and normalizing the affected structures for a speedy recovery.
  • Asthma: breathing exercises and techniques to improve lung function are key in treatment.
  • Otitis: the work of the cranial myofascial structures and drainage techniques allows us to relieve repetitive otitis so common in early childhood.

Prematurity and Motor Delay:

  • Prematurity: at Qsana, supporting families of premature babies is essential; guiding them in breastfeeding, addressing the consequences of an early birth and achieving motor development milestones is our priority.
  • Motor Delay: Specific exercises and activities are performed to strengthen and improve motor skills.

Neurological Pathology:

  • PBO (Obstetric Brachial Palsy): pediatric physiotherapy focuses on addressing the affected limb, seeking its integration into the baby’s body scheme.
  • Cerebral Palsy: work on mobility, coordination and muscle strength.
  • Rare Diseases, Down Syndrome: Personalized programs are developed to address specific motor needs.

Traumatology: Hip Dysplasia, Fractures, Dislocations:

  • Hip Dysplasia: children’s physiotherapy collaborates in prevention and treatment through manual techniques, exercises and family support for changes in habits in their daily life.
  • Fractures, Dislocations: Rehabilitation is provided to restore function and strength after traumatic injuries.

Ankyloglossia, Limiting Frenulum or Postfrenectomy Treatment:

  • Ankyloglossia: Pediatric physiotherapy is part of the post-frenectomy treatment, helping to recover tongue mobility, ensuring adequate suction, breathing and internal positioning function.
  • Limiting Frenulum: the movement restrictions caused by the frenulum are addressed, in addition to the treatment of the rest of the structures affected in this pathology such as the skull and neck.

Support during breastfeeding:

  • Physiotherapy provides advice and techniques to improve breastfeeding, addressing possible difficulties such as incorrect latching, derived from a frenulum, torticollis or myofascial tensions in the baby, which make it difficult for a correct seal and therefore effective suction.

In all these cases, children’s physiotherapy plays a crucial role. Physiotherapists work closely with parents to offer personalized treatments, promoting healthy development and addressing various conditions that may affect babies in their first years of life.

Tratamientos especiales para bebés y niños:

Cólicos del lactante

En Qsana estamos especializados en el tratamiento de las alteraciones digestivas de los bebés. Estamos formados en fisioterapia visceral, Método Rubio y terapia miofascial.


El cólico del lactante aparece en bebés menores de 4 meses, la inmadurez del sistema digestivo provoca digestiones más lentas, dando lugar a una mayor fermentación del alimento, generando gases e incluso estreñimiento.


Si sientes que tu bebé al final del día está muy irritado, con un llanto incesante, no tiene alivio con nada, se pelea a la hora de amamantar o tomar el biberón, te podemos ayudar.


¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?

Empezaremos con una entrevista personal para recoger datos del embarazo, parto, tipo de alimentación y hábitos familiares.


Haremos una valoración física del bebé e iniciaremos el tratamiento.


Las técnicas miofascial, son técnicas no invasivas, el bebé no sufre por la ejecución de las manipulaciones.


Trabajaremos a nivel abdominal y craneal para facilitar el tránsito intestinal, mejorando la alimentación, el descanso y bienestar familiar.


Os daremos unas pautas terapéuticas a realizar en
domicilio y poder manejar los cólicos que tanta
angustia a los padres.

Fisioterapia en tortícolis y plagiocefalia

La tortícolis es la inclinación anómala del cuello y cabeza, suele aparecer en bebés por mala posición intrauterina, maniobras en el parto, malformación congénita o hábitos posturales.


Solemos identificarlo porque el bebé tiene la cabeza un poco inclinada hacia un lado, no gira la cabeza por igual a ambos lados, incluso no se chupa las dos manos por igual y no sigue de manera simétrica los objetos con la mirada.


Otra manera de identificarlo es porque a veces suelen ir acompañadas de plagiocefalia o deformidad craneal, notamos un aplanamiento del cráneo, que suele coincidir con la superficie de apoyo. Incluso asimetría en la cara, un ojito más cerrado o una comisura bucal más alta.


En Qsana trabajamos esta patología con el objetivo de recuperar el movimiento del cuello, estimular el desarrollo simétrico y recuperar la deformidad craneal si se diera el caso.


Para ello, realizaremos una valoración exhaustiva del bebé y entorno familiar para detectar las causas y aplicaremos técnicas cómo la masoterapia, movilización, miofascial y estimulación temprana. Además, daremos pautas a la familia para poder continuar con el trabajo en domicilio y adquirir nuevos hábitos si fuera necesario.


Si tienes alguna duda, no sabes si a tu bebé le sucede lo descrito anteriormente, ponte en contacto con nosotros, estaremos encantados de ayudarte y acompañarte en la crianza de tu bebé.

Fisioterapia respiratoria infantil

Se utiliza para la prevención y tratamiento de los problemas respiratorios de tu bebé (Bronquiolitis, Asma, Neumonía, etc.


Estas técnicas ayudarán a tu bebé a eliminar secreciones y mocos , así como mejorar su capacidad pulmonar.
Os enseñaremos técnicas para poder realizar en domicilio y dar acompañamiento a las familias para ayudar a la recuperación del niño.

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